Dr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

Dr.Kiran Kumar Reddy is a seasoned professional and a well-respected leader in the field of information technology and electronics. He currently serves as the Group CEO of the Andhra Pradesh Electronics and IT Agency and as the IT Secretary for the Government of Andhra Pradesh in India.

With a background in engineering, technology, or a related field, Kiran Kumar Reddy has extensive experience in both academia and industry. Throughout his career, he has been involved in several initiatives aimed at fostering innovation and encouraging the growth of new technologies. He has also been a strong advocate for the adoption of innovative technologies in various industries and has helped to build bridges between industry and government to promote collaboration and cooperation.

Kiran Kumar Reddy has received several awards and honors from local and international organizations. He is also a sought-after speaker and has presented his views and insights on information technology and electronics at several conferences and forums.

Global Tech Summit
Posted on: Feb 09, 2023

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