Entrepreneurial Innovation Forum

The Future is Faster Than You Expect or Imagine

Entrepreneurial Innovation Forum

Submit Your Innovations and Nominate

Corporate innovation is the process of developing fresh concepts or working to enhance already successful ones within a company or organization. It plays a significant role in the process of enhancing productivity, viability and competition. Innovation can take many different forms, from the creation of brand-new goods or services to the enhancement of internal procedures or the adoption of cutting-edge technology. To remain competitive and satisfy customers' evolving expectations, it is crucial for companies to consistently look for new ideas and methods of doing things.

Corporate innovation categories:
These are the four distinct categories of innovation that stand out and appear to be in wide agreement among businesses looking for ground-breaking theories, thoughts, or goods:

  •     Progressive innovation
  •     Neighbouring innovation
  •     Innovative disruption
  •     Innovative thinking


  •     Creating internal innovation departments or teams.
  •     Working with outside partners, including start-ups or research organizations.
  •     Encouraging staff members to contribute ideas and take part in innovation projects.
  •     Making Research and Development investments (R&D).
  •     Putting new methods and technology into practice.
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