Student Innovation Forum

The Future is Faster Than You Expect or Imagine

Student Innovation Forum

Submit Your Innovations and Nominate

On August 2023, the Global Tech Summit will be held in China and will bring together some of the most innovative minds in the world. The summit will be a great opportunity for students to showcase their ideas, network with industry leaders, and learn more about emerging technologies.

The Student Innovation Forum is a platform that allows students to present their projects and discuss how they can use technology to solve real-world problems. It is an opportunity for them to get feedback from industry experts and gain insight into how their ideas can be implemented in the real world.

The Student Innovation Forum at the Global Tech Summit provides a unique platform for students to share their ideas with industry professionals and learn more about cutting-edge technologies that are transforming our lives. It is an excellent opportunity for students to make valuable connections with leading experts in their fields and get inspired by new ideas.



The Student Innovation Forum is an initiative that aims to foster creativity and innovation among students. It provides a platform for students to explore their ideas, collaborate with peers, and develop solutions to real-world problems. The Forum also encourages students to think outside the box and come up with new ways of solving problems using technology. Through this initiative, we hope to inspire the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs who will shape the future of our society.

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