Agriculture Conferences

Agriculture is a field of unlimited possibilities.

Agriculture Conferences

Submit Your Research Proposals

Agriculture is the activity of cultivating land, keeping animals, and utilising other farming techniques to produce food and other things. One of the oldest professions, it has existed in some capacity since the dawn of human society. Plants and animals are raised for food, clothing, and other products through agriculture. Millions of people all around the world have work thanks to it, which is a significant contributor to the world economy. The environment is also impacted by agriculture in a number of ways, such as soil erosion, pollution, and climate change.

There are two primary divisions in agriculture:

  • Subsistence farming.
  • commercial farming.

Farmers that practise subsistence agriculture grow food for their own needs as well as the needs of their families. When farmers engage in commercial agriculture, they are producing crops for market sale. Technology advancements have made it possible for farmers to produce more food with improved quality and quantity. The amount of labour needed to produce food has also decreased thanks to agricultural technology, freeing farmers to concentrate on other responsibilities.

Speaker Guidelines

Organize Your Research

  1. List your research's hypothesis and objectives.
  2. Explain the research techniques you used.
  3. Provide the information gathered and the findings.
  4. Draw judgements based on the information gathered.
  5. Be sure to highlight the research's main points and significance.

Shape Your Presentation

  1. Prepare notes that highlight the salient points of your talk.
  2. Practice the delivery of your talk, along with your slide sequence. Be sure your talk fits the time allotted.
  3. Use simple sentences. Avoid jargon, highly specialized vocabulary, and unfamiliar abbreviations.
  4. Think about questions you might be asked, and prepare your answers.
  5. Audio-visuals should amplify your talk, not duplicate it.
  6. Do not include music or film clips or other copyrighted content with your presentation unless it is directly relevant to your research. If you must include music, film clips, or similar content, please ensure that it is either open source or content for which you have copyright permissions to use. Optimally display your work—don't use words if a picture conveys it more clearly (graphs, tables, charts, etc.).
  7. Use line graphs to show trends; bar graphs to compare magnitudes; pie graphs to demonstrate relative portions of a whole.
  8. Make sure your supporting audio-visuals are concise, uncluttered, and easily read from a distance. We recommend that you use a font of at least eighteen points or larger. This is especially important in presentations to a virtual audience because screen sizes vary by user.
  9. Request special AV equipment early or it may not be available.
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